Alphas Alfonzo Volume 23 SW Frank 9781542657082 Books

I was almost out of this mafia game, Alfonzo opines while sprawled atop concrete. On his back, pinned by gunfire and bleeding out, isn't where he wanted to be. But, that's Alfonzo's life and it's a violent one. He figures if he didn't have love he wouldn't have nothing.
Alphas Alfonzo Volume 23 SW Frank 9781542657082 Books
I love Ms. S.W. Frank and everything that she stands for with the creation of this timeless masterpiece series. The book begins on level 10 when we are immediately thrown into the remnants of a dangerous attack and many of our favorite characters come perilously close to their eternal demise. The book overall was a great read. I was on the fence with book 22 because I didn't get the opportunity to see more of Shanda and her maturity or lack thereof. Ms. Frank did resolve for some of my concerns but the way they were resolved made it almost seem to easy and a little anticlimactic. Selange has always and will continue to be my absolute favorite female character. I love her loyalty, resiliency, strength, and strong moral compass that she allows to guide her while dealing with the myriad personalities that make up the ladies of the Giacanti family. I think that of all of the books this one had me crying virtually throughout the entire story. Alfonzo's weight of responsibility is enough to break even the strongest man and yet he somehow and someway finds the strength from deep within to carry on and shoulder the weight of the many problems that are forced on his magnificent albeit arguably human shoulders. He longs to be just another normal guy who can work, love his family, and build his familial legacy without all of the death, subterfuge, and mayhem that seems to stalk his every move. Geo was much more likable in this book now I don't know if that is because he is knocking on death's door or if he has, in fact, started to grow as a man willing to set aside his little boy ways and step into the shoes that he is destined to fill. I enjoyed seeing the twins, Lorenzo, Sergio, and Sal step up to give us a glimpse of what we have to look forward to in the younger generation. That Sophia and Amelda are a HAWT mess. Amelda is turning into a cold deadly fish in many aspects but who wouldn't after having endured the many traumas she has had to face. I just don't know what to do with Sofia. I can tell you that I've had a love/hate relationship with her throughout the series but in this installment, I have to say that I walked away with a feeling of admiration for all that she has gone through and still endured. Now she still has her faults and issues but for the most part, Sofia is about her family and she is willing to do ANYTHING sacrifice ANYONE for La Familia. Shanda, Shanda, Shanda. When the book opened I was like this heifer still doesn't have it together what in the heck is wrong with her?? But as the story progressed I really was able to see that she has truly grown. She is still selfish in many aspects but her vulnerability was able to shine through. I had to commiserate with her and show empathy due to the unfair situations she found herself thrust into due to no fault of her own. When she started to blame Selange for everything she had gone through and was about to play the victim role I wanted to jump through my kindle and slap the hell-fire and piss out of her. But alas, Selange being the lady that we all love she straightened sister-girl quick fast and in a hurry. Now with all of that being said my ranking would be 4.5 if Amazon allowed us to rate the book like that. I think that the situation between Kenya, Shanda, and Geo was just over entirely too quickly. Kenya was so adamant about being a proper wife to Geo and making their marriage work I just don't think she would have walked away the way that she did. Even if ultimately she found that she couldn't compete with the long-lasting love that Geo & Shanda had for one another it just stands to reason that there would have been more than just the scene with them at Sofia's home. Lastly, the issues with Yosef, Diana, and Lorenzo. I'm a little lost as to where this is going to go. I despise Yosef with everything in my being simply because he can't be trusted to uphold or do what is best for the family. He may have come through in this situation but it never leaves the back of my mind that if he is in a situation where he will benefit greater by pressing his own agenda his base nature is going to win out every single time. A man like this, in my opinion, has no business to even be allowed to trail in the wake of the Diaz-Giacanti clan. I really want Sergio to either get a spin-off or have more facetime in the upcoming installments. I think there is more to him than what we get to see in the limited scenes he appears in. With the DNA of Nico Serrano flowing through is veins he should be more of a force to be reckoned with. Seeing him in action in this installment was refreshing but I just want more. I really think this character is as popular with the readers as he is because of the things that we saw him go through and the level of growth that he has exhibited. All-in-all Ms. S.W. Frank didn't disappoint. She delivered a quality stellar read and I will ALWAYS be one of the ones that will read this series until I am old and decrepit. Thank you, Ms. Frank for always providing us with historical information, knowledge, and broadening our scope outside of the narrow worlds that encompass our everyday reality!! Kudos lady I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. All I know is that it is sure to be something cataclysmic because your pen game never ever ceases to AMAZE ME!!!Product details

Tags : Alphas (Alfonzo) (Volume 23) [S.W. Frank] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. I was almost out of this mafia game, Alfonzo opines while sprawled atop concrete. On his back, pinned by gunfire and bleeding out,S.W. Frank,Alphas (Alfonzo) (Volume 23),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1542657083,Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction Sagas
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Alphas Alfonzo Volume 23 SW Frank 9781542657082 Books Reviews
Okay let's start with how the book ended? I have noticed that you don't go into details about your last few books, it leaves a lot of unanswered questions. While I love reading your books I must say I expected more. I was so excited about the next book. I love this family and just wanted more. I think that every member of this family is a assess. I do think that Geo has changed for the better. I like what the women did and look forward to what happens next.......and yes Gia needs her little ass spanked. Where did Asante go? And is he coming back? And how long was Al gone? How did his recovery go? Are they royals and will Shanda step up? I hope so. And yes the girl should have left and I like how you did it. Read you on the flip side.
Alphas, book 23 in the Alfonzo series, picks up right after the big explosion that took place in the very end of book 22. We were left wondering what happened to Alfonzo, Sal, Geo and other family members. Well, all those questions and more were answered in Alphas. Even when this family is thinks all is good and they can get on with just living like your ordinary everyday family, someone or something comes along and reminds that they are so far from being ordinary.
Alfonzo wants to step away from the life to protect his wife and kids, but there is always a new threat on the horizon that makes sure he stays right where he is. With every new threat, Solange shows how strong she has become, and proves that no one should take her position as the Mafia Queen lightly. This couple has been through so much and are still standing. That's why I love this series and that's why I keep coming back for more, and will continue to as long as Ms Frank keeps The Giacanti's taking names and kicking a@$! I'm giving this 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!
You're either in or out!!
A few of the family proved they're all in in this book! Lorenzo got sh*t popping, Sergio got his gangster on, my young Sal showed his cahones and FINALLY Shanda made it into the fold!!
Never EVER doubt Selange is ride or die for Alfonzo....these two right here give me LIFE!! I love the way they love each other...yes they disappoint each other but when the chips are down, it's them against the world!!
Kudos S.W. did that!!
This was one the best in the Lorenzo's series but one of the shortest. I was happy to see all the family together again. What was the press conference for and how did the Princessa use it for her purposes?
I have other questions that will be answered when I read four of the books that I skipped. Why did the Princessa kidnap Shanda? Who is the Sergio gambling with the Prince in the Prologue? How long was Shanda gone and how did she return? What happened to Lucia? Why does Lorenzo and Alfonzo dislike each other?
I know some of Yosef's backstory but really, who is Yosef and where in the world does he gets his power and authorty. I think it rivals the Diaz/Giacantis. How is Diana his daughter and how do they find out? What happened between he and Sophie? Will Shanda and Geo marry? Will Sophie will able to do anything with GiaShanda or does she have to much of Geo and Shanda in her? Will Carlo turn to Shanda or blame her for Kenya leaving? Is the marriage of Shanda and Asante valid and, if so, will she divorce him for Geo? Will Asante have a relationship with Amelda? Who is Kenya? Who's raising Darren's daughter and what is her name?
I'm looking forward to reading more about Sal, Aaron, Darren and the other Diaz/Giacanti children. I'm especially happy that Shanda is back even not knowing how?
I love Ms. S.W. Frank and everything that she stands for with the creation of this timeless masterpiece series. The book begins on level 10 when we are immediately thrown into the remnants of a dangerous attack and many of our favorite characters come perilously close to their eternal demise. The book overall was a great read. I was on the fence with book 22 because I didn't get the opportunity to see more of Shanda and her maturity or lack thereof. Ms. Frank did resolve for some of my concerns but the way they were resolved made it almost seem to easy and a little anticlimactic. Selange has always and will continue to be my absolute favorite female character. I love her loyalty, resiliency, strength, and strong moral compass that she allows to guide her while dealing with the myriad personalities that make up the ladies of the Giacanti family. I think that of all of the books this one had me crying virtually throughout the entire story. Alfonzo's weight of responsibility is enough to break even the strongest man and yet he somehow and someway finds the strength from deep within to carry on and shoulder the weight of the many problems that are forced on his magnificent albeit arguably human shoulders. He longs to be just another normal guy who can work, love his family, and build his familial legacy without all of the death, subterfuge, and mayhem that seems to stalk his every move. Geo was much more likable in this book now I don't know if that is because he is knocking on death's door or if he has, in fact, started to grow as a man willing to set aside his little boy ways and step into the shoes that he is destined to fill. I enjoyed seeing the twins, Lorenzo, Sergio, and Sal step up to give us a glimpse of what we have to look forward to in the younger generation. That Sophia and Amelda are a HAWT mess. Amelda is turning into a cold deadly fish in many aspects but who wouldn't after having endured the many traumas she has had to face. I just don't know what to do with Sofia. I can tell you that I've had a love/hate relationship with her throughout the series but in this installment, I have to say that I walked away with a feeling of admiration for all that she has gone through and still endured. Now she still has her faults and issues but for the most part, Sofia is about her family and she is willing to do ANYTHING sacrifice ANYONE for La Familia. Shanda, Shanda, Shanda. When the book opened I was like this heifer still doesn't have it together what in the heck is wrong with her?? But as the story progressed I really was able to see that she has truly grown. She is still selfish in many aspects but her vulnerability was able to shine through. I had to commiserate with her and show empathy due to the unfair situations she found herself thrust into due to no fault of her own. When she started to blame Selange for everything she had gone through and was about to play the victim role I wanted to jump through my kindle and slap the hell-fire and piss out of her. But alas, Selange being the lady that we all love she straightened sister-girl quick fast and in a hurry. Now with all of that being said my ranking would be 4.5 if allowed us to rate the book like that. I think that the situation between Kenya, Shanda, and Geo was just over entirely too quickly. Kenya was so adamant about being a proper wife to Geo and making their marriage work I just don't think she would have walked away the way that she did. Even if ultimately she found that she couldn't compete with the long-lasting love that Geo & Shanda had for one another it just stands to reason that there would have been more than just the scene with them at Sofia's home. Lastly, the issues with Yosef, Diana, and Lorenzo. I'm a little lost as to where this is going to go. I despise Yosef with everything in my being simply because he can't be trusted to uphold or do what is best for the family. He may have come through in this situation but it never leaves the back of my mind that if he is in a situation where he will benefit greater by pressing his own agenda his base nature is going to win out every single time. A man like this, in my opinion, has no business to even be allowed to trail in the wake of the Diaz-Giacanti clan. I really want Sergio to either get a spin-off or have more facetime in the upcoming installments. I think there is more to him than what we get to see in the limited scenes he appears in. With the DNA of Nico Serrano flowing through is veins he should be more of a force to be reckoned with. Seeing him in action in this installment was refreshing but I just want more. I really think this character is as popular with the readers as he is because of the things that we saw him go through and the level of growth that he has exhibited. All-in-all Ms. S.W. Frank didn't disappoint. She delivered a quality stellar read and I will ALWAYS be one of the ones that will read this series until I am old and decrepit. Thank you, Ms. Frank for always providing us with historical information, knowledge, and broadening our scope outside of the narrow worlds that encompass our everyday reality!! Kudos lady I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. All I know is that it is sure to be something cataclysmic because your pen game never ever ceases to AMAZE ME!!!

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